Kumar Purnima is one of the most popular and important festival of Odisha. On the full moon day after Dusshera, Kumar Purnima is celebrated by all the unmarried girls & newly married brides in the state. It is believed that girls worship Lord Kartikeya to get grooms as handsome as Lord Kartikeya.
The girls wear new clothes, take bath before sunrise and pray God for smooth marital life. They also fast on this day. In the evening when the moon rises girls pray moon by offering prasad.
It is a festival of rejoicing for the girls. All of them sing and dance. The songs are of special meant for the occasion (Kuaanra Punei Jahna Go Phula Baula Beni..).
They also play a kind of game known as 'Puchi' and also involve themselves in other varieties of country-games.

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(C) Saraswati Vidya Bhandar, Cuttack.
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